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She Reads Everything

I love books. Just staring at my bookshelves gives me a sense of peace. Rather than any specific genre, I love good books. To me a good book is one that at the end leaves me happier and/or smarter.

Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles

I think if I were still a young adult, I'd give it five stars.  As an adult, there were a few things Brittany struggled with that left me unsympathetic and rolling my eyes.  Especially her issues with her boyfriend (not the hero Alex, but the white jock who lasted much too long): OMG, my boyfriend is being mean and rude and unsupportive, despises my sister whom I love more than anything, and is pushing me to have sex when I'm not even sure I'm attracted to him anymore but should I go ahead and sleep with him anyway??  Seriously, she agonized over this for half the book.  I never really liked her and I think that's why I felt Alex (who I very much did like) falling for her was unbelievable.  Alex's character received the better end of the author's research and character development.  Alex is truly tortured and truly heroic, while Brittany is rich, white, and stressed (really, all you hear about is how rich and white and stressed she is).  I'm glad I read this book - it was a quick read and the parts about Alex were quite engaging - but I won't be picking up the author's second book.